
Digital Launch Legally Book Bundle

If you have ever wondered what clauses to look out for when entering a contract, whether your business needs to be a corporation or LLC, or have ever asked, “what do I need to know before I start my business, my Launch Legally: Legal Basics Handbook and Launch Legally: Business Plan Workbook is for you! It’s straight to the point, with no fluff or fillers, while providing an in-depth overview of what you need to consider to launch legally in business.

Together, the Launch Legally bundle will guide entrepreneurs through:

  • Creating an effective business plan
  • Identifying their intellectual property
  • Determining what contracts and business insurance they need
  • How to reach your ideal client
  • How to monetize your passion project
  • Identify where your business fits in the market plus much more!

It’s time to stop playing around and get *ish done. 

Grab your bundle today!

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.
